MyPsalms 31-33 ~ Letters to God

MYPSALMS   31-33

I’m reading through the Psalms and I’m writing my own MyPsalms… They are a wonderful way to connect God and I in real conversation. I hope you are enjoying them. Maybe you will feel inspired to write your own Psalms!

My desire is to find this place of intimacy, this place of desire and knowing, this place of dependence on Him in all things. My days are so full that I just blow through them with working full-time and all the requirements of a family and then I wonder did I talk to God at all during the day?”

MyPsalms 31-33 are below and the links to the album that will contain all of them =)

I hope you enjoy them. To keep up with them each day please go and visit my Facebook page

The Answer I’ve Found and see the Album ~My Psalms… Letters to God~


MyPsalm 31

Day 31
Read Psalm 31 in your own bible or here: Psalm 31
MyPsalm 31

Dear Lord,

What is it you are doing Lord? So many pieces of your puzzle coming together from every corner. I know that it all fits together somehow.You are piecing things together that may seem to mean nothing but then I see glimpses of them coming together that reveal some of the possible heights depths lengths and breadths of your plan.My heart and my mind are beginning to conceive the ways that you actually do things in our midst and I see, hear, observe the intricacies of your plan, I am beginning to understand that you know every one of our days from the end to the beginning.

Thank you for showing me in the end, why some things didn’t work out in the beginning. It was because the plan for where I am now didn’t fit with where I was in the beginning. You had purposed for me to fulfill far more than I had ever conceived that I could.

I am so thankful that I can allow you to direct my paths and trust your providence is at work in every minute detail of my life.

Lord today again I surrender to that plan, to that purpose and to that destiny that is far more amazing than I could ever dream. I once again hand my life over to you.


MyPsalm 32

Day 32
Read Psalm 32 in your own bible or here: Psalm 32
MyPsalm 32

Dear Lord,
Lord I come before you in awe and reverence, in joy and fulfillment, in anticipation and excitement of who you are, who you are revealing yourself to be, and the marvelous things you are doing in and through my life.There is no greater wholeness to be found, than when I find my all in all… in all of you. There is no greater satisfaction than seeing you at work all around me threading and weaving, unpicking and knitting.Lord let our light shine brightly for you, thank you for working on the hearts of the hearers, bringing to life the seeds of the messages that have been sown into their hearts and minds. Lord give them ears to hear your truth. Give them eyes to see you in every part of their own lives.

As we are set ablaze with a hunger for you, please let those flames that are on us be spread from one heart to the next so that together we can carry out your will and your work every day of our life. In Jesus Name.


MyPsalm 33

Day 33

Read Psalm 33 in your own bible or here: Psalm 33



Dear Lord,

You see inside my heart and you know exactly what is going on and why.

You see through every veneer and shadow and you know the reason why I feel the way I do.

You see underneath the things I use to cover myself with and the things that I use to mask reality.

You see ahead, the things in my future and you beckon me to stay very close and you will lead me through.

You see around the corners, there are no surprises for you and you prepare my heart and give me strength and grace.

You see over every mountain, to you they are in fact not even a bump, to you they are a step up for me to becoming all you want me to be.





Hope you enjoy the journey!

~Cam Richmond~

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