Tag Archives: peace

The garden of your life…

The garden of your life…

I love my garden. I spend time in it whenever I can. Pottering around, looking at the plants, watering them, doing a bit of pruning, putting in some garden beds, weeding, re-potting, tidying up and other similar things. I love my time out there. It really brings me pleasure. It brings me peace and solitude.

I used to find this same comfort in my niece when she was a baby, all the kids in our family are in their teens now but a few years ago when I went through an extremely low season and was suffering anxiety for what seemed like months and when I would have a bad day I would often pop into my sisters place to visit and just have a cuddle of my niece.

It was only this week that I realised that my garden and my niece were able to bring the same comfort to me…. and come to think of it doing my art also gives me this respite. I guess people find comfort in so many different ways. Yes there are bad ways that people find comfort but there are a lot of good ways to receive the comfort and solitude we need, the time and space to wind down and gather ourselves and our thoughts and feel that sense of stability we all desire.

Where is your garden? Have you discovered it yet? I encourage you to find your garden and spend time there regularly. It can make a lot of difference the balance of your life. Finding your garden can help everything else in your life be manageable, and I must not neglect to mention that for me all these things also draw me close to the ultimate Source of my peace which is God.

Apart from Him I know no peace and we all long for peace.

I encourage you to find your garden and find the one who created the plants and the seeds too!

~Cam Richmond~

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I tend towards peace

I always tend towards peace. Tension aggression, shouting, swearing, loud voices, accusations, ranting, always immediately cause me to shut my gates. 

Ok so I have told you all before, I grew up with a lot of that… Not the swearing though, but raised voices, accusations, arguments, verbal tirades, they could go on for hours and hours. You may not have been the one on centre stage taking the floor and being pulled to pieces but once it started everyone got a chance.


I shudder to think about those many many many times now, and actually I only remember them as a whole the details are very much a blur and I’m more than happy for them to stay that way. I wonder if I was the person I am now what would I have done back then but that would never have been possible.


A counselor I saw a few years ago suggested something that she thought would help me when I found myself in any even vaguely similar situations she called it joining.


She said that people need validation and even if you don’t like the style of the delivery of their venting of a situation that what you can do is ‘join’ them and validate their feelings, or what has happened and still maintain your who you are without being untrue yo yourself.


It’s really just so amazing though how our personality and the make up our character is so very strong…. To me it feels like a raging current and I can only go with the flow of that especially in this area of my life, to pull myself out if it is like going against that raging current…. meaning it’s extremely difficult.


Learned fear together with being driven towards peace, and being a positive optimistic not to mention faith filled person makes it very very difficult for me to ‘join’ the other person in their venting.


You see even when there is a lot truth to what someone is saying if they are saying it in an aggressive way I respond to the way the message is delivered by tending towards peace, immediately, avoiding increasing tension etc and therefore going far from even temporarily ‘joining’ someone.


The next things that come into play are being positive, optimistic and faith and people often don’t want to hear that but that is my source, what I know and what I believe and I can’t give people what I don’t believe in.


Finding a line here in a tricky situation is not easy but I have learned some more about this and I am beginning to find the demarcation line that will help me to keep my peace, even as I tend towards it!


~Cam Richmond~

Once again encouraged…

Once again encouraged…


“When we hear each others stories, then we see the love of God in action and we are once again encouraged that He will continue to work His miracles in our lives”
~Cam Richmond~

Tell your story
Share the miracles
If you do even more miracles will happen!
Have you ever considered that this is one way to ‘pay it forward’?
Sharing the right words at just the right time can change someones day… it can change your day!

The fires that we want to fuel are fires of hope, peace, faith, love, joy….

One way to fuel these fires is by piling our testimony on the fire, sharing the breakthrough, the miracle, the small mercies and the answers that we found, the ways that God came through for us, the way He cared about all the little details of our lives and that he worked in our situation like only He could!

When we remind ourselves of the breakthroughs and miracles in our own stories we put fuel on our very own fire.

And boy, do we ever need to keep our home fires burning.
Don’t let the fire go out.

Fuel the fire with God’s word, with great music, with inspiring messages, with good company!
In doing all these things we are building our own faith and paving the pathway to our own destiny!

Romans 1:12

That is, that we may be mutually strengthened and encouraged and comforted by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.
When we hear each others stories, then we see the love of God in action and we are once again encouraged that He will continue to work His miracles in our lives!
~Cam Richmond~
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