Category Archives: THE ANSWER I’VE FOUND

MyPsalms 82-84 ~ Letters to God


I’m reading through the Psalms and I’m writing my own MyPsalms… They are a wonderful way to connect God and I in real conversation. I hope you are enjoying them. Maybe you will feel inspired to write your own Psalms!

My desire is to find this place of intimacy, this place of desire and knowing, this place of dependence on Him in all things. My days are so full that I just blow through them with working full-time and all the requirements of a family and then I wonder did I talk to God at all during the day?”

MyPsalms 82-84 are below and the links to the album that will contain all of them =)

I hope you enjoy them. To keep up with them each day please go and visit my Facebook page

The Answer I’ve Found and see the Album ~My Psalms… Letters to God~

MyPsalm 82
Day 82
Read Psalm 82 in your own bible or here: Psalm 82
MyPsalm 82
Dear Lord,

Though we hold our breath not knowing what may happen next you are already in that moment and then the next.

Even when life seems fragile, in your hands it is sure and secure, each and every day is known and accounted for.

Hold our hands as we pass through and lead us by the way that you have planned.

Give us a sign of your presence as we step out into unknown situations and let our hearts burn with the knowledge that you hold us in your embrace.

In Jesus Name, Amen

~Cam Richmond~


MyPsalm 83

Day 83

Read Psalm 83 in your own bible or here: Psalm 83
MyPsalm 83
Dear Lord,

I love you Lord my strength
I love you Lord my hope
I love you Lord in whom is all my trust.

Thank you that your goodness is like a fountain that will never run dry and it continually washes over me.
Lord right now soak me in your goodness and in your kindness. And Father let every dry spot and every place where there is lack be saturated and filled.

Lord remind me to draw from your never-ending wells each day and that there is plenty to go around to all in need. You are my source.

Lord fill every one who is yours, that through them you may water the earth with your goodness and kindness.

For it is your kindness that leads us to repentance. It is your love beyond reason and without condition that confounds the wise and opens hardest of hearts.

Lord you know those who are in desperate need, who haven’t yet found you. Let their thirst lead them to the waters of ever lasting life.

In Jesus Name, Amen


MyPsalm 84

Day 84

Read Psalm 84 in your own bible or here: Psalm 84

MyPsalm 84

Dear Lord

Thank you for Jesus for saving me. You were always there and you never left my side. You just waited till I realized that I knew I needed you and then we embraced.

Ever since then you have been making yourself known to me. You have revealed yourself in all your glory, your amazing grace, your steadfast and all-encompassing love, your bountiful mercy, your never-ending peace.

There is always more of you to learn, I can only begin to grasp your majesty and the awe that surrounds you and how you work in our lives.

In Jesus Name, Amen



Hope you enjoy the journey!

~Cam Richmond~

Please visit: 

Surely 10 more minutes can’t hurt?

“The universe is not short on wake up calls.
We’re just quick to hit the snooze button!”
~Brené Brown~

I was waiting for the alarm to go off. I had set it to go off at 6.45 am and then I had allowed myself to snooze… just another 10 minutes…

In my half sleep state I was slightly wondering when the next alarm was going to go off but I allowed the lull of the moment to keep me in bed and knowing the second alarm would surely go off when it was time…. The bed was warm, it was still dark enough, and it was cold outside. Perfect orders for staying in bed.


Finally I dragged myself into consciousness and looked at the clock… Hmmmm 7.26am. How did it get to that? Could it be that I didn’t hear the second alarm? Could it be that I slept through it? Either way I missed it and that meant not getting up for my morning walk.


It spoke to clearly to me how easy it is to miss the signs.Did you hear the first alarm? I heard it on this occasion but I dismissed it. After all I knew there’d be another. Surely 10 more minutes can’t hurt.


Are you like I was, waiting for the second alarm? Or like me did you miss it?


If you are waiting for an alarm that means you know it’s going to happen. No one has to convince you there will be one.


How long can you afford to wait? Have you missed the second alarm already and have lulled yourself into a false sense of security?


This is so true of all the situations in our lives? Can we afford to wait? But the signs are all there in regards to Jesus return. Of course it’s been said the signs have been signs for 100’s of years but the truth is bible prophecy has been fulfilled now right up to the time of his coming.


I understand it might sound totally mad to you! I get that! It sounds mad to me too. Maybe even if it sounded mad to you, you believe it but you’d rather be in denial. Even so that doesn’t change what you know.


And of course it’s much easier to believe this is wrong and there’s a new interpretation that has to be right. Let’s hope you have time to figure it out!

~Cam Richmond~

Please visit:

What the world can’t give, the world can’t take away…


It really makes me sad that it’s becoming harder to say how I feel about God and my Saviour Jesus and also what I believe. You raise your head you get shot at these days, questioned, interrogated almost. I’m finding that it’s not alright to question other ‘religion’ but it’s fine to tear mine down.

I could never be known as a bible basher, although I’m sure ALL those around me know exactly who I am and what I believe. Yes they may read what I write if they choose, (and if not then they are more than welcome to unfriended me rather than me being a nuisance to them), but unless they want to know more personally I won’t be shoving it down their throats.

I think I’m a good representation of Gods love because even if what people do or say or think is completely in opposition to what I believe or do, I truly love them, value their friendships and their company. I love all the people in my life.

Then on the other hand people can believe in other religions that call for all kinds of extremism but that’s not a problem to others is it??, ‘each to their own’ right??? But to love and follow Jesus is old school, conservative, closed and narrow-minded.

I am NOT into religion. I dislike religion. I dislike religious figures and leaders to some extent, and ‘the establishment’, who have, in their utter humanity given God a black name. They have dragged his Name in the mud. The one who sent His Son into this muddy earth for us.

I say, come to know God by what He did, by what He gave, by what He says and not by what PEOPLE do or say.

Did you know God loves everyone unconditionally? That doesn’t mean he agrees with how they live, people don’t like that bit, but if God is God then he can make rules for life, and if according to us He can’t, then that makes us God not him… but I don’t remember creating the universe???? Do you ?😉

He loves each person personally, uniquely, completely, more than they have ever known or could know love…

I’m so glad that my mum pursued her faith, way past religion, rules and regulations and met her Saviour and gave us the opportunity to know him too.

It’s fine for people who are intellectual to laugh me off, think I’m mad, wonder at the ridiculous things I believe, or think it’s all ridiculous. To continually try to find loopholes in everything around God and the bible, pull it all apart, even though I won’t pull their belief apart. But the joyous thing for me… is that NO ONE can take away my experience, the tangible things God has shown me, how he has revealed things into my life that NO ONE could have ever known and shown me his very very great love for ME, little me…. insignificant me in the grand scheme of things.

No one can argue any of that away for me, how he has changed me, changed my life, GIVEN me life, hope, peace, strength, supernaturally seen me through every trial in my life from the time I was a child…

There is so much more to this life than what we can see and touch. To live your life thinking that this is ‘it’ may be the easiest thing to do but in the end it’s the least rewarding.

‘Rewarding’ comes from giving to humanity, from loving, from building people up, from encouraging, from supporting, from generosity of heart, not from self-love, self-gratification, self-indulgence, caring for only you and your own. What a small world view you would have and receive.

The world is upside down but at the end of my life, were I to die and find there is nothing, which I do not for a second believe, I will have lived a life of love, of hope, of joy and satisfaction, I will have added to this world and not just taken my share.

There is such!!!! JOY in the lack of skepticism I can’t tell you!!!

~Cam Richmond~

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