Category Archives: MYPSALMS

MyPsalms 82-84 ~ Letters to God


I’m reading through the Psalms and I’m writing my own MyPsalms… They are a wonderful way to connect God and I in real conversation. I hope you are enjoying them. Maybe you will feel inspired to write your own Psalms!

My desire is to find this place of intimacy, this place of desire and knowing, this place of dependence on Him in all things. My days are so full that I just blow through them with working full-time and all the requirements of a family and then I wonder did I talk to God at all during the day?”

MyPsalms 82-84 are below and the links to the album that will contain all of them =)

I hope you enjoy them. To keep up with them each day please go and visit my Facebook page

The Answer I’ve Found and see the Album ~My Psalms… Letters to God~

MyPsalm 82
Day 82
Read Psalm 82 in your own bible or here: Psalm 82
MyPsalm 82
Dear Lord,

Though we hold our breath not knowing what may happen next you are already in that moment and then the next.

Even when life seems fragile, in your hands it is sure and secure, each and every day is known and accounted for.

Hold our hands as we pass through and lead us by the way that you have planned.

Give us a sign of your presence as we step out into unknown situations and let our hearts burn with the knowledge that you hold us in your embrace.

In Jesus Name, Amen

~Cam Richmond~


MyPsalm 83

Day 83

Read Psalm 83 in your own bible or here: Psalm 83
MyPsalm 83
Dear Lord,

I love you Lord my strength
I love you Lord my hope
I love you Lord in whom is all my trust.

Thank you that your goodness is like a fountain that will never run dry and it continually washes over me.
Lord right now soak me in your goodness and in your kindness. And Father let every dry spot and every place where there is lack be saturated and filled.

Lord remind me to draw from your never-ending wells each day and that there is plenty to go around to all in need. You are my source.

Lord fill every one who is yours, that through them you may water the earth with your goodness and kindness.

For it is your kindness that leads us to repentance. It is your love beyond reason and without condition that confounds the wise and opens hardest of hearts.

Lord you know those who are in desperate need, who haven’t yet found you. Let their thirst lead them to the waters of ever lasting life.

In Jesus Name, Amen


MyPsalm 84

Day 84

Read Psalm 84 in your own bible or here: Psalm 84

MyPsalm 84

Dear Lord

Thank you for Jesus for saving me. You were always there and you never left my side. You just waited till I realized that I knew I needed you and then we embraced.

Ever since then you have been making yourself known to me. You have revealed yourself in all your glory, your amazing grace, your steadfast and all-encompassing love, your bountiful mercy, your never-ending peace.

There is always more of you to learn, I can only begin to grasp your majesty and the awe that surrounds you and how you work in our lives.

In Jesus Name, Amen



Hope you enjoy the journey!

~Cam Richmond~

Please visit: 

MyPsalms 79-81 ~ Letters to God


I’m reading through the Psalms and I’m writing my own MyPsalms… They are a wonderful way to connect God and I in real conversation. I hope you are enjoying them. Maybe you will feel inspired to write your own Psalms!

My desire is to find this place of intimacy, this place of desire and knowing, this place of dependence on Him in all things. My days are so full that I just blow through them with working full-time and all the requirements of a family and then I wonder did I talk to God at all during the day?”

MyPsalms 79-81 are below and the links to the album that will contain all of them =)

I hope you enjoy them. To keep up with them each day please go and visit my Facebook page

The Answer I’ve Found and see the Album ~My Psalms… Letters to God~

MyPsalm 79
Day 79
Read Psalm 76 in your own bible or here: Psalm 79
MyPsalm 79
Dear Lord,

Your love and light are truth they uncover things I had no idea were there.

Not knowing your rich unfathomable love for me has led me to feel overwhelmed when my frailties, weaknesses and apparent crutches come to light.

But it’s not the light of vengeance or the light of mockery or humiliation which you shine but the light of nurture, and immense kindness and gentleness, that we can not comprehend.

We can not receive all you have to give us in the state of being unaware of who You are to us, and who You are in our life.

You take the time, you risk us misunderstanding your intentions and the possibility we may reject you in order to bring us into the clearing where we can finally find that in you there is no rejection only an eternal embrace.

And then into your arms we can run maybe cautiously at first but the closer we come the closer we will come as we will know you more to your praise and honor and grace. How can we thank you Lord.

In Jesus Name, Amen

~Cam Richmond~


MyPsalm 80

Day 80

Read Psalm 80 in your own bible or here: Psalm 80
MyPsalm 80
Dear Lord,

Lord your ways are far deeper than I have grasped. Just when I thought I knew you I see there is more.

The more we get to know you the deeper you take us as there is so much more to know and yet you don’t rush me. Time is no boundary to you.

Help me to understand within my spirit what you are doing in me. It’s not something I could ever grasp with my mind. It’s a work in my deepest parts.

Help my spirit rest in You and enjoy this journey of discovery.

In Jesus Name, Amen


MyPsalm 81

Day 81

Read Psalm 81 in your own bible or here: Psalm 81

MyPsalm 81


You are faithful to your children Papa. There is no other way to describe how you are towards us.

You are ever-present even when we are not present. Forgive me Papa when I get caught up in earthly affairs and lost in things that have no eternal weight.

When we are about our business you are still about our business too. You have our lives in your hands. Moment by moment and day by day.

I take a seat at your feet and draw all I need from your presence. When I sit here I hear your voice, feel your heartbeat and your ways are revealed


In Jesus Name, Amen



Hope you enjoy the journey!

~Cam Richmond~

Please visit: 

MyPsalms 76-78 ~ Letters to God


I’m reading through the Psalms and I’m writing my own MyPsalms… They are a wonderful way to connect God and I in real conversation. I hope you are enjoying them. Maybe you will feel inspired to write your own Psalms!

My desire is to find this place of intimacy, this place of desire and knowing, this place of dependence on Him in all things. My days are so full that I just blow through them with working full-time and all the requirements of a family and then I wonder did I talk to God at all during the day?”

MyPsalms 76-78 are below and the links to the album that will contain all of them =)

I hope you enjoy them. To keep up with them each day please go and visit my Facebook page

The Answer I’ve Found and see the Album ~My Psalms… Letters to God~

MyPsalm 76
Day 76
Read Psalm 76 in your own bible or here: Psalm 76
 Dear Lord,

Thank you that you are making me into your likeness and Lord I pray that I will always be able to ‘lean into’ whatever it is you are doing in me and go with the flow of your work in that area of my life.

Lord you know just where and how to draw me into life learning, life increasing and life transforming works. I am so glad that I know of your love and that your love for me translates into the plan that you have in my life.

At times I feel like running away, just doing things on my own but you draw me into relationship and fellowship with you and others and you give me wisdom to work through the issues that arise.

Lord you are my deliverer. You long for my freedom and freedom only comes through you showing me the cords that have held me back and tied me down. And one by one as I release my grip you are able to take these away.

Sometimes that cords that hold us back and tie us down are also the cords that we hold onto for safety, for security, for an anchor but Lord our safety, our security and our anchor is only found in you.
In Jesus Name, Amen

~Cam Richmond~


MyPsalm 77

Day 77

Read Psalm 77 in your own bible or here: Psalm 77
Dear Lord,

You are my shelter, you are my shield, you are my refuge. I will remain. Where else could I possibly go to find the freedom that I need.?

I will stay here, tucked inside your refuge until you show me how to come out. While I wait I will rest in youR presence and listen to your heartbeat. This is where you want me, for now and for always.

You know the cords that have bound me, you know the hold that has kept me and you will reveal and unravel every entanglement that is hidden there.

You see deep within me and you long to free me into even greater levels of newness of life. I will not fear the footsteps ahead.

In Jesus Name, Amen


MyPsalm 78

Day 78

Read Psalm 78 in your own bible or here: Psalm 78


Dear Lord

One minute the ground I am standing on seems so familiar and then within an instant, with one seemingly small revelation of your truth, everything can be changed.

It can feel uncomfortable, when the light of your love comes across a barrier that has been built there.

It seems uncomfortable, when I find an area on my life is not what I thought… When a comfy place of shelter is revealed to be a lair that the enemy of my soul has built to simulate the life, comfort and place of rest I thought You had built for me.

And so again my life is in deconstruction and reconstruction. The walls built have been fortified by many years of shoring up the foundations under the pretense that this was a safe place You led me to when instead you have allowed me to remain here till this time when you are ready to show me what this is all about.

I am undone. I am unsettled for a moment but I know this must happen in order to reveal this place for what it is and resettle me on the solid ground of your rich deep unfathomable love from which I will not be shaken.
In Jesus Name, Amen



Hope you enjoy the journey!

~Cam Richmond~

Please visit: 

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