MyPsalms 49-51 ~ Letters to God

MYPSALMS   49-51


I’m reading through the Psalms and I’m writing my own MyPsalms… They are a wonderful way to connect God and I in real conversation. I hope you are enjoying them. Maybe you will feel inspired to write your own Psalms!

My desire is to find this place of intimacy, this place of desire and knowing, this place of dependence on Him in all things. My days are so full that I just blow through them with working full-time and all the requirements of a family and then I wonder did I talk to God at all during the day?”

MyPsalms 49-51 are below and the links to the album that will contain all of them =)

I hope you enjoy them. To keep up with them each day please go and visit my Facebook page

The Answer I’ve Found and see the Album ~My Psalms… Letters to God~


MyPsalm 49
Day 49
Read Psalm 49 in your own bible or here: Psalm 49

Dear Lord,

I am Your child, I am Your offspring. You are bringing me up according to Your ways, Your values, Your love and Your character.

I am thankful that means that as I grow from one experience to the next, I am able to carry out the things that you are ‘growing into me’.

I see a picture of a child in adults clothes… in some ways that is how it is, we are dressing up in your clothes and we are growing into your ways. We cant expect to be successful immediately but as we grow, as we practice to do it, then we are able to walk in your ways and have confidence and courage to do it without having worry in the back of our minds of if we will be able to do this.

You supply me with the confidence and you will always give me the words that I need in every situation to be able to express what I need to express. You will enable me to love the best way I can, with no fear of applying wisdom and the right boundaries because I will have grown up into you and your divine ability will enable me to carry out all I need to.

In Jesus Name Amen


MyPsalm 50
Day 50
Read Psalm 50 in your own bible or here: Psalm 50
Dear Lord,

All of you and none of me… That is my prayer. I totally trust in your words and wisdom and I know that my plans ideas and thoughts come from you but some of them are just my good ideas, things that I came up with and quite possible motivated by my own thoughts feelings, hurts, desires, wants and needs.

When what I do, what I say, what I feel comes from my relationship with you, from your directions then that is when things in my life flow the best and everyone is blessed more than I can imagine.

Please caution me Lord when I act out of my own thoughts without consulting you. I thank you that you have given me wisdom and that is what steers me most however I want to surrender my way to you.

I consciously ask you to forgive me when I have made choices and decisions that have harmed not furthered your work around me. Forgive me for taking control and taking control away from you Lord. I need your blessing in my life, I need your provision and your work in my life or your blessing, plans and promises could not come to pass as you intend and I may be a stumbling block in your plan.

I long to work with you, within your will, within your plan and purposes. I long to be in sync with your ways and follow you and serve you all the days of my life.

In Jesus Name, Amen


MyPsalm 51

Day 51

Read Psalm 51 in your own bible or here: Psalm 51


Dear Lord,

I am a sinner, I am imperfect and I make a lot of mistakes. People may look at me and think that I have it all together or that I am good in some way but Lord You know, You see whats inside me, the things that rile me up, the things that anger and frustrate me. You hear my heart and yes there is good in there but there is also clearly sin, judgment, pride, condemnation, opinions, sometimes I think I know better than others…. and you love me anyway.

The good that is in my heart is the only that good that you had placed there in the first place – it begins and ends with you.

I acknowledge my sin, I acknowledge judgment, please forgive me Lord and give me eyes to see what you see… help me to be more like you in all my ways. Cleanse me Lord. I humble myself before you and acknowledge that I am nothing.

Help me to always see the bigger picture, because when I consider my thoughts, the things that are becoming clear to me, things that happen around me, other people’s decisions and reactions and ways, through your eyes, through your bigger picture then I can take my focus off the immediate and my interpretation of it and know its all under your covering and your will be done.

It’s so hard to understand love and judgment being equal in you…. From human eyes we cannot comprehend that but if I can relax and give up my role as judge then I can be freed to do the things you have called me to with even more anointing. I need to realise that my interpretations may or may not be correct but how can I know unless I know the bigger picture? I don’t know the bigger picture Lord so I ask you to forgive me for thinking I do.

In Jesus Name, Amen



Hope you enjoy the journey!

~Cam Richmond~

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