Tag Archives: share

What Gift Can You Give?…

Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.

~Ruth Ann Schabacker~

It’s quite amazing to look around me and see the varying gifts that I believe God has given to people and see how He is using them and their gifts. We all have our purpose no matter how big or small we see that it is, it fits into the bigger scheme of things and it is a part of a building block of our world.

I have been seeing how each one of our gifts fits into the bigger picture that God has for this world and we all need to play our part in whatever big or  little way it is!

My friend plays the piano, she has played since she was little girl, there was a period in her life where she played all the time and many people got to hear her and be blessed by her gift, it is music that soothes the soul, and then for many years although she continued to play for herself no one else got to hear that magnificent gift of music. It’s like the music just pours out of her fingertips seemingly with no hindrance whatsoever. Why, because it’s a gift of  God, it’s part of her God given destiny.

One of our friends is strongly into the environment and conservation, he and his wife are doing all sorts of amazing things to make our world a better place, championing the cause in whatever big or little way they can. Presently they are trying to track down an endangered species in the bush at night, night after night, in the cold and the weather. It’s amazing the things they are doing? Its hard work but it’s easy for them… and why? It is their purpose and  so it’s their passion.

My husband knows how to make people laugh and wherever he goes people talk to him and share their story with him. He is also able to share his story with them and tell them about the hope that he has found and somehow they just needed to hear what he had to say that day, God uses him to help them in practical ways,  he is like an angel sent to help them.

My brother in law has a gift with teenagers and I have seen this in the way he relates to my own kids. He has a way of connecting, listening, being real with them, mentoring them, being a friend to them… he works with kids in a truly at risk group and although it is certainly challenging it is something he can do  so well!

My sister has a passion for helping people groups that are in trouble too, both her and my brother in law have worked in projects in Kenya for quite a few years now, and they have a passion to make a difference in a very real way. They hope to perhaps start a charity and have all sorts of ideas coming to them that they can make happen as they have the knowledge, the expertise and the heart to get it happening, they have the connections in the right places to direct funds into these areas of need.

One of my old friends and her husband are working overseas and have been for years, feeding, educating, and rescuing children from all sorts of situations. They have around 1000 children in their care now as they are building from the ground up homes, schooling facilities and all kinds of things to meet the needs  of that community.

Another one of my good friends has just retrained and is going into working in aged care, she has a gift with people, she is kind and gentle and compassionate and  she will give these people just what they need in whatever way she helps them.

One of my other closest friends is a woman of prayer, God puts people on her heart and she prays for them. Wherever she goes people begin to talk to her and tell her their story and their need and they may not know it but they will be upheld in prayer consistently and fervently. My mum too had that gift of prayer and over the years she has faithfully prayed for thousands and thousands of people, she also has a gift of generosity and she would give whatever help was needed  including food and money very regularly.

These are all just normal everyday people doing their bit in an everyday kind of way. Were we to take these gifts and passions away from them imagine the impact that it would have on such a large area. It would affect family, community, nature, people in need in their suburban homes and people in Third World countries in poverty, with their health and education, and in some of these instances there  are life and death matters.

Sometimes dreams have a use by date… not always of course but lately I have been thinking more and more what are we waiting for! Even if we only take a few baby steps, maybe now is the time to step out and do it. God gives us these gifts and we can let his natural abilities flow through us… just like this little quote  says:

I am like a little pencil in God’s hand. He does the writing. The pencil has  nothing to do with it.

~Mother Teresa~

I don’t rely on myself, I allow God’s creativity to flow through me and by doing that I am doing some of my part to make the world all that it can be! What gift  is yours to give?



Each citizen should play his part in the community according to his individual gifts.


The weakest among us has a gift, however seemingly trivial, which is peculiar to him and which worthily used will be a gift also to his race.

~John Ruskin~


Word For Life


Something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance; present. The act of giving. Something bestowed or acquired without any particular effort by the recipient or without its being earned. A special ability or capacity; natural endowment; talent: the gift of saying the right thing at the right time. To present with as a gift; bestow gifts upon; endow with. Having or showing natural talent or aptitude. having great special talent or ability: the debut of a gifted artist. Having  exceptionally high intelligence


The Word

Romans 12:4-8 

For even as we have many members in one body, and all members do not have the same function, so we the many are one body in Christ, and each one members of one another.

Then having gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, if prophecy, according to the proportion of faith; or ministry, in the ministry; or he who teaches, in the teaching;

or he who exhorts, in the encouragement; or he who shares, in simplicity; or he who takes the lead, in diligence; or he who shows mercy, in cheerfulness.

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