Tag Archives: Tadpole

Time For Me to Live….

It’s funny how I know I’m getting old, I know it in my head but I don’t feel any different. I feel as if I’m ready to go running out there and join in on some adventure.

I had an uncle and aunt that lived on a farm when was young and whenever I went to stay I loved every minute of it. I loved the chooks and the creek, the frogs and the lizards. I loved the bush camp fires, the huge cubby houses we built on the farm and the cows mooing in the morning and the green paddocks. I loved going down to the dam early in the morning and collecting tadpoles. If there was a tree to be cut down my uncle was the man for the job. He would come over in his Landcruiser with his chainsaw to cut it down and there was something about it I loved.

Being with our friends on their property this weekend thirty something years later it all comes back to me as my 18 year old son went running off down the paddock in the dark with our friend and a spotlight and rifle to get the fox that had been attacking the sheep. There I was starting to follow down the driveway but I’m in my grey flat ballerina shoes and I can’t go any further. Oh what a disappointment. I’m going to go out and buy some Blundstone work boots to wear on the farm because next time I want to go with them.

Long story short years may pass, time may have flown but you are the same you as ever. Same person you were as a kid playing with frogs and tadpoles. These memories make me feel like a kid again, like I want to get right into it. So what stops us, we don’t always have to let our age or stage stop us. Why not just do it anyway? So I had a go! I rode a quad bike for the first time too and did all sorts of thing this weekend. I am ready to try all sorts of things!

Now is the time of our lives! Not later… Now not later! What are we waiting for… a more opportune time? Will that time come again? Embrace the minute, the day, the season and make of it what you can!

Sometimes we keep putting off for tomorrow what we can do today when today has been given to us already.

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~Cam Richmond~