Tag Archives: unknown

Living Out of Love…

LFL - give things a chance

Dear Lord, Thank you for this brand new day and his brand New Year. It’s so good when we get the opportunity start things again.This year there are more changes ahead of me and you know, even more than I, exactly how I feel about the things that are to come, even better than I know myself. At the end of last year I began to perceive the things that were ahead of me and even at that stage I didn’t handle it too well… I am so glad that I could begin to work it through with you even then and begin to see why I was reacting and responding the way I was.

So I am asking you to help me through these things, give me the grace to over come the things that pain me and stretch me and scare me. I know you hold my world in the palm of your hands and you will see me through it.

Give me courage to let go of the things that I fear letting go of and give me your peace that it will all be ok, no matter what does or does not happen in the coming months.

Help me to watch my motivations regarding my choices and help me to know which decisions are the right ones and for the right reasons. Thank you that you will protect my heart better than I ever could and so it’s better to release control to you and when I come to the choices I have to make, help me to remember to quiet myself, even if only for a few minutes and listen to hear what you are saying rather than go with my emotions which only want to prevent pain, stress, opening wounds etc.

I think if I approach the situations that I may face with this in mind, in the end it will all work out ok. I will not only seek to protect myself from pain but will seek to get through things with your help. And I know that if you take things away from us, it’s usually only to give us something better, in a different way.

Thank you also for showing me more about myself, my coping mechanisms, and the reasons behind them. When I sense things are happening that are getting to close for comfort it triggers off those old responses which you are now ready to deal with.

I know that you are reaching within the heart of me and asking me to release things to you, things that at this time are still the hardest to Let go of but you know where my security has lain and why and I know you will help me to shift the weights across to you without anything toppling over.

I also pray that you will give me your peace which passes all understanding and that as things are changing I can transition through them and my emotions and reactions will come into alignment with your will and character.

It’s so important for me to ‘be okay’ with things and not pine over the past, present and future. I want to ‘be okay’ with it, that’s almost better than being fine with it in the first place and not caring.

You know things which I am speaking of here without me elaborating on anything, please take it all in your hands and give me courage as a lion to be fearless in the face of change, transition, loss, and new things!

Thank you Lord

In Jesus Name


  I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way about things in their life right now. It can be a time of uncertainty and distress over the unknown. I have realised that so often our choices are based on protecting our hearts from pain and so we seek to preserve the status quo of our lives out of love and also out of fear.

We need to live our lives from a place of love and security, from a place of knowing that we are held and secure. But we can only learn to live our lives from this place of love and security once we let go of what we think will protect and be best for us and by doing so we will then live out of love and security. You can’t put the cart before the horse here, have to let go of the fear or fear and jut do it, then you can find that real at stability in God that will cause us to live more freely.

I hope that what I have shared inspires you to have courage and see your motives and make choices to over come things rather than protecting your heart and staying stuck riot where you are… Looks like I will have no choice 🙂

Much love Cam

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